Thinning hair or a receding hairline can be an alarming discovery. Fortunately, male hair loss is a common problem that affects up to 85% of men by the time they’re fifty – so there are many treatment options available. 

"I know my hair looks so much fuller and thicker due to the hair replacement that Austin Face and Body did. I am so happy with the great job they have done. I look younger and so much better, just like you will once you have had rain replacement!!!!” - K.M.

"Dr. Paul did my hair transplant surgery in September of 2022. Now two years out and I couldn't be happier that I invested in that part of myself and appearance. I only wish I'd done it 5 years earlier so I'd have had the benefit even longer! Excellent service, excellent results!" - B.W

Hair loss in the prime of your life

Approximately 66 percent of men will experience some hair loss by age 35

At Hair of Austin at Austin Face & Body, many of our patients report that they didn’t expect hair loss to happen so early. But it’s actually a very common occurrence. And the good news is that the earlier you notice the problem and begin treating thinning hair – the easier it will be.

To determine whether you should meet with a physician to begin treating your hair loss, look for the telltale signs. Are more strands of hair present on your brush? Are there loose hairs on your pillow when you wake in the morning? Is the hair at the crown of your head thin, or is your hairline beginning to recede? These are all indications that you should make an appointment with a medical professional who can help you treat the underlying cause of your hair loss – and restore full and natural growth where you need it most. 

Causes of hair loss in your 20s and 30s

  • Genetics
  • Poor nutrition
  • Hormonal changes
  • Prolonged stress
  • Certain illnesses and medications
Blonde man outside wearing a striped shirt and sunglasses

Male hair loss: Hereditary vs. non-hereditary

Most hair loss is caused by male pattern baldness, which is a hereditary condition. This is a permanent, progressive condition that proceeds down a predictable path. In this case, you have inherited hair follicles that are sensitive to Dihydrotestosterone (DHT). These hair follicles begin to miniaturize, which shortens the lifespan of the hair follicle. Over time, the follicles stop producing thick hair. 

Non-hereditary causes are typically temporary. They can happen at any age and will continue until the underlying factors are resolved. These causes include diet, stress, illnesses, and more. 


What is DHT?

DHT is a by-product of testosterone. Inside the hair follicle’s oil glands is an enzyme – Type II 50 alpha-reductace. This enzyme helps testosterone convert into DHT. In follicles that are genetically sensitive to DHT (as is the case with male pattern baldness), the DHT shrinks the follicle, which eventually prevents it from producing hair.

The Hair of Austin Difference: 

A holistic approach to treating hair loss

During your private consultation at our Austin office, we will assess the severity of your hair loss, along with your medical history, family history, and lifestyle risk factors. We will also examine your scalp under magnification to evaluate the health and state of your hair follicles. 

Based on the results of your examination, we will create a custom hair restoration solution just for you – which may be as simple as tweaking your diet or trying a prescription medication. Or, it may require treating an underlying medical issue or performing hair restoration surgery. Whichever route is right for you, we’ll make sure you understand exactly what to expect before, during and after the treatment process.

Austin Face & Body

Male pattern baldness

A predictable path to hairline recession and hair loss

If we determine that your hair loss is hereditary, you’re in good company. It’s estimated that 95 percent of hair loss in men is hereditary and caused by male pattern baldness. 

The Norwood Scale helps us determine the stage of your condition. There are seven grades, and where you fall on the scale will determine your treatment approach:

  • Stage 1: No apparent hair loss or receding hairline. 
  • Stage 2: Slight receding hairline near the temples. 
  • Stage 3: Hairline is receding at the temples, exposing completely bare spots or areas that are lightly covered with hair. 
  • Stage 3 vertex: Hairline is only slightly receding near the temples (as in stage 2), but hair loss is significant on the top of the scalp.
  • Stage 4: Hairline is receding and there is light hair or no hair on the top of the scalp. The remaining hair on the sides of the scalp is connected by a band of hair. 
  • Stage 5: Hair loss and recession continue to worsen, and the band of hair connecting them is narrower.
  • Stage 6: The bald areas at the temples meet the bald area at the top of the scalp. The remaining band of hair is either gone or very sparse.
  • Stage 7: This is the most severe stage of hair loss when only a band of fine hair around the sides of the head remains. 
  • Norwood class A. This variation is a less common hair loss pattern. In this instance, the hairline recedes back uniformly, without leaving a band of hair in the middle and a bald spot at the top of the scalp. 

What is a beard transplant? 

Some men suffer from beard hair loss or a mostly non-existent beard, when their once-full beards begin to lose hair and thickness and wind up with bald spots. A beard transplant is a procedure done to correct this by transplanting hair follicles from the back of your head, where the hair is thickest, to the patchy or bald areas. 

Man wearing glasses outside wearing a white shirt and carrying a brown bag

Most beard transplants are performed using a technique called follicular unit transfer (FUT). During this procedure, small incisions are made in the patchy or bald beard area to determine the direction and growth of the beard hair there. Hair is removed from the thicker areas of the back of the head and transplanted into these incisions. 

A full beard transplantation may take about eight hours, but only local anesthesia is required. In about 90 days your new beard follicles will have settled into place, and by four months after surgery, you will be able to grow a full beard.

Providers who perform Male Hair Loss Treatment at Hair of Austin

Dr. Sean Paul

Dr. Sean Paul is the founder of Hair of Austin at Austin Face & Body. As a widely published surgeon who has traveled all over the world to speak, Dr. Paul is renowned and highly regarded in his industry. He specializes in cosmetic and reconstructive eyelid and facial plastic surgery in Austin, and is board certified by the American Board of Ophthalmology.

Dr. Sean Paul »

Dr. Chris Schneider

Dr. Chris Schneider is a plastic and reconstructive surgeon, who also specializes in microsurgery. He is a native Texan who is proud to return home to the Lone Star State after nearly a decade of intense surgical training.

Dr. Chris Schneider »

Schedule a consultation today

If you’ve noticed your hair is thinning, falling out or receding, please contact Austin Face & Body today. We’ll determine the underlying cause of your symptoms, and help you regrow full and natural hair. 

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